The core library provides various ways to customize its components to fit your project's design and functionality requirements:
Customize the appearance and behavior of core components using a theming system from@modjs/utils.
Light Theme
lightTheme.jsExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { ModLightTheme } from '@modjs/utils' mode: '#ffffff', typography: { ff: { primary: 'KoHo', }, fw: { medium: 400, semibold: 600, bold: 700, }, fs: { xsm: '0.75rem', sm: '0.875rem', md: '1rem', lg: '1.5rem', xl: '2rem', }, color: { primary: '#474747', main: '#474747', light: '#8e8e8e', secondary: '#c2c2c2', white: '#ffffff', success: '#5a6b31', error: '#ca3c1f', }, }, color: { primary: '#1f8eff', secondary: '#474747', main: '#c2c2c2', success: '#5a6b31', error: '#ca3c1f', light: '#f2f2f2', dark: '#c2c2c2', transparent: 'transparent', }, border: { primary: '1px solid #1f8eff', success: '1px solid #5a6b31', error: '1px solid #ca3c1f', light: '1px solid #f2f2f2', dark: '1px solid #c2c2c2', none: 'none', }, borderRadius: '2px', avatar: { height: { sm: '32px', md: '64px', lg: '96px', }, width: { sm: '32px', md: '64px', lg: '96px', }, brightness: { light: 'brightness(60%)', normal: 'brightness(40%)', dark: 'brightness(20%)', }, }, image: { height: { sm: '96px', md: '240px', lg: '320px', }, width: { sm: '96px', md: '240px', lg: '320px', }, brightness: { light: 'brightness(60%)', normal: 'brightness(40%)', dark: 'brightness(20%)', }, }, icons: { height: { sm: '16px', md: '32px', lg: '64px', }, width: { sm: '24px', md: '32px', lg: '64px', }, }, elevation: { light: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1))', normal: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))', heavy: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6))', none: 'none', }, opacity: { high: 0.95, medium: 0.85, low: 0.5, }, scrollbarColor: '#c2c2c2 #f2f2f2', tooltipBg: '#474747', } export default lightTheme
Dark Theme
darkTheme.jsExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { ModDarkTheme } from '@modjs/utils' ...ModDarkTheme.mode, mode: '#121111', typography: { ...ModDarkTheme.typography, ff: { primary: 'KoHo', }, fw: { medium: 400, semibold: 600, bold: 700, }, fs: { xsm: '0.75rem', sm: '0.875rem', md: '1rem', lg: '1.5rem', xl: '2rem', }, color: { primary: '#ffffff', main: '#c2c2c2', light: '#8e8e8e', secondary: '#474747', white: '#ffffff', success: '#5a6b31', error: '#ca3c1f', }, }, color: { primary: '#1f8eff', secondary: '#ffffff', main: '#c2c2c2', success: '#5a6b31', error: '#ca3c1f', light: '#1f1d1d', dark: '#474747', transparent: 'transparent', }, border: { primary: '1px solid #1f8eff', success: '1px solid #5a6b31', error: '1px solid #ca3c1f', light: '1px solid #1f1d1d', dark: '1px solid #474747', none: 'none', }, borderRadius: '2px', avatar: { height: { sm: '32px', md: '64px', lg: '96px', }, width: { sm: '32px', md: '64px', lg: '96px', }, brightness: { light: 'brightness(60%)', normal: 'brightness(40%)', dark: 'brightness(20%)', }, }, image: { height: { sm: '96px', md: '240px', lg: '320px', }, width: { sm: '96px', md: '240px', lg: '320px', }, brightness: { light: 'brightness(60%)', normal: 'brightness(40%)', dark: 'brightness(20%)', }, }, icons: { height: { sm: '1rem', md: '2rem', lg: '4rem', }, width: { sm: '1.5rem', md: '2rem', lg: '4rem', }, }, elevation: { light: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1))', normal: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))', heavy: 'drop-shadow(0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6))', none: 'none', }, opacity: { high: 0.95, medium: 0.85, low: 0.5, }, scrollbarColor: '#474747 #1f1d1d', tooltipBg: '#8e8e8e', } export default darkTheme
Override Styles
To override default styles of the components, you have several options. Note that the following options are listed in accending order based on the precedence. For example: the default styles have lowest precedence followed by the styles from System Props while the inline styles have the highest precedence.
System Props
Each component under @modjs/core is wrapped with awithSystemProps HOC. All props provided by withModSystemProps can be applied to the component to override default styles.
App.jsxExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { CodeEditor, Layout, Typography } from '@modjs/core' import {ModThemeProvider, ModLightTheme} from '@modjs/utils' export const App = () => { <ModThemeProvider theme={ModLightTheme}> <Layout> <CodeEditor m={32} p={32} > {codeEditorContent} </CodeEditor> </Layout> </ModThemeProvider> }
Styled Components
All core components from @modjs/core are styled using thestyled-components library. The default styles can be overridden using styled-components.
App.jsxExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { Layout, Typography } from '@modjs/core' import {ModThemeProvider, ModDarkTheme} from '@modjs/utils' const StyledTypography = styled(Typography)` color: #5a6b31; font-size: 1rem; ` export const App = () => { <ModThemeProvider theme={ModDarkTheme}> <Layout> <StyledTypography> Typography component styled using styled() from styled-components </StyledTypography> </Layout> </ModThemeProvider>
Custom classNames
Each core components are designed to accept all valid HTML attributes. Therefore, the core components can be styled using the class attribute.
App.jsxExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { Layout, Link } from '@modjs/core' import {ModThemeProvider, ModDarkTheme} from '@modjs/utils' export const App = () => { <ModThemeProvider theme={ModDarkTheme}> <Layout> <Link className = "link-class"> Link component styled using custom className </Link> </Layout> </ModThemeProvider>
Inline Styles
Since all core components accept valid HTML attributes, the component can also be styled using the style HTML attribute.
App.jsxExecute CodeCopy to clipbaordimport { Layout, Button } from '@modjs/core' import {ModThemeProvider, ModDarkTheme} from '@modjs/utils' export const App = () => { <ModThemeProvider theme={ModDarkTheme}> <Layout> <Button style = {{padding: "8px" margin: "8px"}}> Button component styled using style HTML attribute. </Button> </Layout> </ModThemeProvider>